What is “Clean”/Accepted for Composting?
CLEAN - Yes, we want it!
Food Scraps… including:
fruits & veggies - include stems, pits, seeds, corncobs, etc., but PLEASE REMOVE STICKERS
pasta, grains, breads & cake, pastries, candy
coffee grounds
non-synthetic tea bags - PLEASE REMOVE STAPLES. (When in doubt about the material of the bag, cut open the tea bag and empty the leaves into your compost bin. There are many health benefits to switching to plastic free teabags - a list of reasons & brands are available here.)
eggs & eggshells
meat & fish, including bones
lobster shells are okay, but NOT mussels, clams, or oysters (because they do not break down.)
dairy: cheese, yogurt, etc.
nuts & coconut shells
Household Items
wood: toothpicks, popsicle sticks, chopsticks, utensils
pet FOOD (no pet waste)
house plants & flowers - please remove tags and rubber bands, no potting soil. (Potting soil can be placed in your yard or used again.)
Food soiled paper
food soiled napkins & paper toils
food soiled cardboard egg cartons
IF TORN INTO PIECES TO FIT INTO YOUR BIN: food soiled pizza boxes. (The top-half of pizza boxes are usually clean - we ask that folks tear the top half off and recycle it if clean.)
Note: Clean paper and cardboard are better recycled. We take the above items that are food-soiled only, but not chemical or cleaner-soiled.
We ask customers please tear paper products into manageable pieces, because when the composting facility gets breezy, large items catch the wind and become very troublesome to collect again.
CONTAMINATED - No, please leave this out.
ABSOLUTELY NO PLASTIC: cups, containers, wrappers, chip bags. Not even “compostable plastic” items, as many are difficult to verify, take a very long time to break-down, and are full of hazardous chemicals.
NO CARTONS: milk, juice, ice cream
NO stickers
NO meat packaging or styrofoam
NO “compostable” utensils (wood is okay.)
NO takeout containers
Household Items
No bodily fluids
No ash (stove, fireplace, or grill)
No compostable diapers or sanitary products
NO PET WASTE, including cat litter
No dead animals
No grass clippings
No laundry lint
No textiles (there is a bin in Delmar, corner of route 32 and Elm Ave, that accepts textiles. Other textile recycling locations can be found at www.nytextiles.org)
No dental floss or q-tips
No mail envelopes, shiny paper, magazines, cereal boxes, shredded paper (these are better recycled)
No plastic or waxed cardboard
No chemically soiled paper: disinfectant wipes, or paper soiled with machine oil, house paint, cleaners, etc.
Note: Clean paper and cardboard are better recycled. Paper does not add to the nutritional value in our finished compost, can have plastic/chemical contamination, and too much paper added can throw off the “recipe” for the compost piles.