Collect your Food Scraps

It’s EASY! Collect your food scraps - banana peels, coffee grounds, egg shells, apple cores, plate scraps, bad leftovers (greasy/fried food, meat, dairy, and bones, too!) - and place them into our of our BPI-certified bin liners. Then, tie up the bag, and throw it into your compost bin - just like you would with trash!

See the full list of
what’s compostable here

Put your Bin by the Curb

On your designated pick-up day, you simply roll your compost bin out to the curb, and then smile, because you’re saving the planet! One of our Foodscraps360 Team Drivers will be by to pick it up, just like normal trash. They can also deliver anything you’ve ordered through the customer portal at that time - replacement bags, compost, etc.

Feed the Earth

Your food scraps are processed into finished compost at the Town of Bethlehem Compost Facility. Upon request, we deliver a free bag of compost to your door every Spring!

Our Plans

1 5-gal Bin


6-month/Yearly Plan: $286/year

There is a one-time set-up fee of $33* – which covers your one 5-gallon bin, one lid, one facility-approved biodegradable bag for your bin (bags are replaced by us for FREE with each pickup!), and new account setup.

Note: You can upgrade to the Two Bins Service Plan at any time for just $4 more per month, plus the one-time $11 cost of the additional bin.

1 5-gal bin can fit approximately 35-40lbs of food scraps.

2 5-gal Bin


6-month/Yearly Plan: $330/year

The two 5-gallon bins service plan is ideal for families and larger households of more than 2, or just folks who generate a bit more food scraps. 

For new customers, there is a one-time set-up fee of $37* – which covers your TWO 5-gallon bins, TWO lids, TWO facility-approved biodegradable bags for your bins (bags are replaced by us for FREE with each pickup!), and new account setup. For customers who upgrade to this plan from the single bin plan, you will only need to cover the new bin cost, not another setup fee.

2 5-gal bins can fit approximately 70-80lbs of food scraps.

Our bins are collected once every other week.
Plans can be paused upon request
(for our seasonal composters out there!)

  • 3-gal kitchen countertop bins and additional BPI certified bin liners can be ordered in the customer shop.

  • Upon request, customers recieve a bag of finished compost every spring.