What areas do you cover?
Take a look at our service area map.
What materials are accepted?
Please read our full list here.
Holiday Schedule
The holidays we may take off are 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. On those holidays, you may have a schedule delay. We will e-mail you ahead of time with the adjusted schedule. If your pickup day falls on any other holiday, please remember to put out your bin.
What should I do if it’s snowing or freezing?
Unless we notify you of a schedule change, put your bin out when it is snowing. Make sure it is not covered by snow or hiding behind a snowbank. The liners keep food from freezing to the side of the bin, which is great for you and great for us!
Need help?
Use your online account to: purchase compost, purchase kitchen bin liners, purchase a replacement bin, report a missed pickup, request an address change, update billing information, or to ask us ANY questions you might have! We love questions!
Where should I place my bin?
When placing your bin on the curb, check to make sure it is visible for your driver and not behind an obstruction such as a tree, fence, or snowbank. You driver will not see the bin if it is left on your porch.
Note: be aware of when your typical trash pick-up is. If your food scraps and trash pick-up on the same day, try to put your food scraps bin on the other side of the sidewalk from your curb, so it is not confused with garbage.
Lining your bin
As a courtesy to our customers, we line your bin with paper bags or Compost Facility-approved / BPI-Certified Compostable bag liners (depending on your bin). It is not necessary to use kitchen-sized bags (many customers just use a container and wash it out or stick it into the dishwasher), but if a kitchen-sized bag is preferred, these can be purchased at a discount from within your customer portal, and delivered right to your door on your next pickup day.
What is typically used as a kitchen bin?
Kitchen bins are very personal to each customer—some like attractive porcelain or metal ones that sit on their kitchen countertop in plain sight (can be purchased online.) Some use a simple Tupperware container or Pyrex bowl with a lid so they can easily throw it into the dishwasher when emptied. While others prefer something quite industrial or even just use our 5-gallon bin and stick it under their sink in the cupboard next to their normal trash container. Wherever you place your bin, we do recommend making it easy and convenient for you, and ideally, close to your trash bin, so your habit of throwing food in the trash can be easily changed!
Some use our kitchen liners (see the section above for details), while others don’t mind just washing out the bin or throwing it into the dishwasher when emptied, as stated above. Whatever works for you, is truly the BEST option for you! :) We just would recommend that whatever you use, you wash it out each time, as this prevents any fun little odors from sneaking in.
Ways to reduce bugs or smells
Bugs and smells are a natural part of the composting process and realistically ought to be appreciated as such! That said, if kept clean regularly, bugs and smells really will be kept at bay!
We have had no complaints yet! But if you find you have an issue, try these steps:
Keep the inside of your bin dry! Squeeze out tea bags, for example.
Rinse bin and countertop container after each empty and let dry
Put baking soda on the bottom of the bin
Tying off your compostable liners helps!
Keep bin out of the sun
Freeze meat/dairy scraps in a container during the week and add them to your bin prior to pickup
Wrap meat/fish in newspaper like a burrito